DAY 5-8:

(DAY 1-4 HERE)

April 5th is the last day to purchase the PREMIUM ACCESS PASS at a discounted price. 
Please enjoy FREE ACCESS until April 2nd 11 am EST.
The next time we'll reopen enrollment for Virtual Village & Mastermind Membership will be OCTOBER 2020. Don't miss out.  Join us now. 


When you join the Matrîarch Collective, you'll be invited to monthly virtual gatherings like this.
Each one is unique and transformational. 
Replays will always be available, in your MatrîLibrary.  









“Never Broken: How to Transmute Pain, Cure Your Anxiety, and Discover Your Soul's Voice."  [LAST DAY]

Getting Jewel to say yes to being a part of Matriarch Collective was definitely an exciting moment. How I pulled that off is a story for another day :)
Jewel is a 4 times grammy award nominated singer songwriter, producer, actress, New York times bestselling author, poet, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. I would also add that she is a spiritual teacher and a really great mom. Jewel grew up in Alaska, her mom left when she was 8, Jewel left home at 15, was homeless at 18, and just 3 years later, at 21, her album Pieces of You sold 12 mil records, declared as one of the biggest debuts of all time. At 23 she was on the cover of Time Magazine. Jewel humbly attributes her success to building a career in community, not music.
Talking to Jewel was as magical as I thought it would be, if not more. She drops absolute gold nuggets of wisdom non-stop for the entire hour, so I suggest you settle in with a nice cup of tea and a journal.
In this beautiful conversation, Jewel shares what she learnt from watching people in pain while singing in bars with her father from the time she was 8; how one quote became the greatest gift and helped her turn her life around, one thought at a time; the story of the golden statue; how to teach mindfulness, meditation, and emotional intelligence to your kids; the feminine ways of doing business, why she’s not a fan of affirmations, and how to be the artist of your life. Jewel also reminds us what is the real source of anxiety in our lives, what is the only coping mechanism that actually works, and how she ‘accidentally’ discovered what made anxiety disappear. And really, there is so much more.
At the time of this recording, she’s about to release her newest book with a foreword by Echart Tolle, and a new album, which addresses the gap between where culture is and what we’re seeing reflected back to us in the media and arts.
Songlines by Jewel, our wonderful sponsor, created a limited edition collection specifically for Matriarch and graciously extended a discount code for all the women in Matriarch Collective.
'MATRIARCH25' for 25% off at

"Portal of Joy, Power & Pleasure: How Dance and Conscious Movement Saved My Life."  [LAST DAY]

Jocelyn is a doula, an embodiment coach, a yoga & mindfulness teacher and creator of HoopYogini and Bhakti Boogie. She designed these unique powerful programs for you – the busy, modern, sensual woman with so much to give and experience.
 We’re about to learn why she was called a "Yoga Rebel" by Yoga Journal Magazine, how to build in the theta brainwave space, how to keep our nervous system strong and resilient, how to identify ancestral patterns in behavior that aren’t serving us, how we can tap into Jocelyn’s latest offering, Sex, Spirit & Spin.
Jocelyn actually believes that transformation can be fun; ecstatic in fact, which is what led her to create her signature programs combining dance with yoga and mindfulness meditation.
She makes self-care, self-restoration and self-realization accessible, and works intimately with women looking for wellness as they get ready to conceive a child. Or a creative idea.
You will hear her precious daughter chime in several times during this Talk, as we witness Jocelyn remain centered while balancing two huge aspects of her ‘self’: motherhood and service.
If you’ve purchased the PREMIUM ACCESS PASS, please enjoy a special BONUS: access to part one of the Hoop Yogini Talk series. There’s also journal prompts and listening party notes. 
@jocelyngordon1   |   |

BONUS: “How One Family Business Accidentally Discovered a Way to Triple Customer Response Rates with ... a Virtual Equivalent of a Handwritten Note."  [LAST DAY]

Amy Habib joins us from her apartment in the UK during the lockdown of coronavirus madness, and we have such a beautiful conversation about the importance of connecting face to face online and doing business creatively as female entrepreneurs in a way that really sets us apart in this competitive world.
Bonjoro is the world's first 'customer delight' platform to help entrepreneurs build real relationships with our customers, at scale. It was originally developed as a customer success hack for their last business; and they realized that overnight, Bonjoro tripled their response rates in comparison to automated emails. What is it? Basically, it’s the modern equivalent of a handwritten note.
You’ll find out what makes Amy a CDO (chief delight officer), why building personal relationships is the most important thing to focus on, no matter what marketing strategies you’re using, how to create marketing funnels that convert like crazy, and you get to see what happens when I find out you have a purple bear onesie in your closet, during an interview.
We’re proud affiliates for Bonjoro, so as a member of Matriarch Collective, we have something special for you. And if you purchased the Premium Pass, you’ll find the incredible 37-page Video Funnel Playbook in your bonus section, and inside the Matriarch membership, you’ll get a chance to learn exactly how I’ve been using this platform to delight and love on my tribe, to nurture relationships, build hype, build momentum, and do business in a more 'feminine' way.

“How to Break the Myths of Old School Parenting and Truly Support You and Your Child Through Really Big Emotions.”  [DAY 7]

I’ve been impacted by ALL the women in this circle of Matriarchs, but the one you’re about to meet has virtually been inside my home, hand-holding Rob and I through some really tough parenting situations…
Tamara Iglesias is a conscious parenting coach and the owner and founder of Wellynest, a brand dedicated to empowering families to live fully whole and nourished lives. And as with everything nourishing, a large part of the conversation is around emotions… big and small. But mostly BIG!
In a little over an hour from now, you’ll walk away with powerful tools that will make it possible for you to support your child through really big emotions. In other words, You’ll know how to eliminate tantrums and not lose your mind!
She will help us identify patterns that aren’t serving us, dispel a ton of parenting myths so you can get out of the ‘old school’ ways of thinking and challenge you to love yourself more deeply.
We’re about to learn how we can re-think tantrums, unravel shame and guilt, how to best show our child our humanness, and how to co-create respect, rather than demanding it.
Tamara also implores us to question are we really showing our children a healthy range of emotional expression? Are we too attached to how things should be without holding space for what is?
Oh, and we had a really great Talk about business and how Tamara navigates solo parenting as a brilliant entrepreneur.
If you’ve purchased the PREMIUM ACCESS PASS, please don’t miss Tamara’s amazing BONUS - you’ll find it right in your dashboard. Rob & I printed it and have it up on our fridge. It’s so, so good.

"The Great Quickening, Ancestral Communication, and Overcoming Historical Trauma with Plant, Food and Sex Medicine."  [DAY 7]

Yaya Erin Rivera Merriman is an Esoteric Women’s Health Practitioner, Plant Spirit Medicine Guide, Priestess, Oracle, Artist, and Mother. She has taught art to Brooklyn teens, led women’s ceremonial circles and organized retreats with indigenous teachers.
Yaya is the founder of Active Culture Family, a mycelial network of sacred humans devoted to exploring relationship as a pathway to responsible, creative, liberated way of being.
This community is like a basket that holds together their physical gathering space in San Diego, their Medicine Mandala Green Magic Apprenticeship, and her podcast Star Seed Survival Guide. 
Yaya strongly beliefs in the necessity of hybrid medicine to meet the unique challenges of modern life, so she’s engaged in the continued study of Plant Medicine, Active Dreaming, and Goddess Traditions from around the world.
In this intensely illuminating, and often mouth-watering conversation, Yaya shares channeled wisdom from Spirits involving Bjork, how to activate the simple sacred technology of sitting in circle as women, how living in time of Kali Yuga is asking us to become ‘baby crones,’ how our human bodies are designed to respond to rhythm; we also talk about the many ways to communicate with our ancestors, and how there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to have a really delicious treat every day that has nothing in it that’s bad for you.
We also talked about business - the importance of taking care of our nervous systems so we can actually handle feedback; and that even though it’s uncomfortable, we need to have long educational conversations about money, reciprocity and exchange.
If you’ve purchased the PREMIUM ACCESS PASS, please enjoy Yaya’s pdf Medicine Mandala Wellness Guide, 11 ancestral (and common-sense) practices to stay well.
Fair warning - this conversation may make your mouth water or catapult you in another dimension
@activeculturefamily   |

"The Moon Deck Oracle: How to Strengthen Your Intuition and Harness the Power of Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities through Daily Ritual."  [DAY 7]

“The connection we are craving is likely the connection that needs to be given…”
That is the beautiful invitation we are left with after this enlightening conversation with Aarona Lea, intuitive oracle reader, and creator of The Moon Deck — one of my favorite decks of all time.
As an emotional health advocate, author, teacher and business owner, Aarona helps us demystify intuition, ritual, self-love and personal growth.
In this masterful Talk, we get to know the woman whose healing journey began in childhood, when she already felt a natural pull towards the spiritual.
After a long journey of study and her intimate connection to ritual, having recovered from a 10-year cycle of bulimia, she decided to fully trust her vision of creating an oracle deck filled with all of the themes that had been a part of her journey… and The Moon Deck was born.
We spoke about the emotional journey of entrepreneurship —exceeding her goal for an Indiegogo campaign, and what it takes to truly connect with our virtual followings by avoiding empty marketing tactics.
Our Talk begins by us both pulling a card from our decks, which set the tone for a beautiful conversation that covered so many things… from the meaning of ravens and the power of prayer to how you can strengthen your innate intuition and become bold enough to offer the world that which only you can.
@the_moondeck  |  @aarona.lea   |

"Lessons from Teaching 10,000 Hours of the Most Advanced Sexual Education on the Planet."  [DAY 6]

Layla Martin, also known as “The Headmistress of Pleasure,” is the founder of the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality and has shared her work with over 79 million people.
Her programs have taught over 6,000 women, men, and non-binary people her unique process of using breath, sound, movement, meditation, and energy awareness to awaken the most transcendent sexual experiences of your entire life.
Layla has spent over 10,000 hours teaching amazing people like you & I how to experience epic sex and legendary love. She’s also a hardcore science nerd who is madly in love with all things mystical.
We’re about to learn how pleasurable and ecstatic states can initiate deep healing from trauma, what makes us as women feel safe, why our bodies are designed for pleasure, why having a pleasure practice is so important for our nervous system, how we can begin to wake up from (and dismantle) patriarchy, how to breathe from your pussy, and finally, feel self-love. Layla shared a deeply personal story of how she transformed sexual trauma into a sexual awakening … and became the Wild Woman that she knows all of us can be.
We don’t end there - I also got Layla to share some powerful business wisdom! She tells us how ONE THING that a photographer said to her at a photoshoot helped her claim her unique signature, why you should fall in love with sales and money, start an email list, and more.
If you’ve purchased the PREMIUM ACCESS PASS, please don’t miss Layla’s BONUS MASTERCLASS: she teaches 3 revolutionary practices to elevate your life and unleash your brilliant light on the world. It’s a 1-hour class full of mind-blowing practical guidance: why positive affirmations and talk therapy don’t work as well, how to literally create confidence in your body, what specifically a woman needs to create the state of the wild self? And so much more. Be ready to take so many notes and possibly weep in recognition of your own goddess power!   @laylamartin  |

"Creativity as Survival in Challenging Times, Making Meaning with Your Business, and the Medicine of the Red Blouse."   [DAY 5]

Yan Palmer is a multi-passionate artist —equal parts photographer, writer, speaker, teacher, podcaster, beauty connoisseur, and creativity rebel — who doesn’t care one bit to be labeled as JUST ONE of those things.
She’s a single mom who travels a lot as part of her work, yet she unfailingly spends Sunday nights watching watching old, nostalgic, obscure movies and pop'n' M&Ms with her 3 rad-tastic kids.  
I adore Yan because she says things like ... LET’S BE HUMAN TOGETHER AND SEE WHAT ART WE CAN CREATE.
She reminds us that art isn't what we DO, it's how we ARE.
In this uplifting heart-to-heart Talk, Yan uses experience, metaphors and story to show us that if we can have the discipline to practice stillness and creativity to access our own rhythm and unique beauty, we will get where we need to go.
We’re about to learn why it’s important to call in more abundance from a place of knowing our wholeness, not believing in our brokenness; how to harness the power of structure and chaos in our creative process, why business strategies will only work for a while, unless we believe in this one important truth, and what 'TEETHKISS' means … Actually Yan does not stop dropping gems of gold this entire hour.
This is such a delicious conversation that is sure to make you grab a brush, pencil, microphone or camera right away…
I know you were drawn to this conversation for a reason - see where Yan’s heart mirrors your own.
@yanpalmer   |

"The Wisdom of Children: How to Recover Your Innate Creativity Through the Power of Story."  [DAY 6]

Justine Curran is a Sydney-based artist specializing in documentary family photography. 
This is such a rich conversation because Justine & I dance at the crossroads of conscious parenting, business, photography, meaningful human connection, and life as art.
Justine’s passion for capturing the essence and wisdom of children is no coincidence. She emerged from her own childhood with a deep sense of disconnection, but found healing after much inner work and after studying the impact that our family dynamics can have on our development. It’s from this place that she creates playful, emotive and nostalgic works of art.
In this Talk, we recalled some of Justine’s most impactful photographs — pretending to be Bagheera from The Jungle Book just to get a little boy to engage with her camera, capturing candid moments between two daughters and their terminally ill mother, and an award-winning black & white image of a mother’s breast and her newborn.
We also talk about the damaging effects of authoritarian parenting, what ‘disconnection’ is costing us personally, and what it’s costing as a society,  how we can encourage unapologetic wonder and self-expression not only in our children, but in ourselves.
Justine & I also gush over the two trainings that have changed our lives and transformed our businesses: they are the Business as an Artform program and KINDRÊD meditation. If you purchased the PREMIUM ACCESS PASS you’ll get a chance to learn about both of these in our Virtual Village and Mastermind Membership.  @justinecurran_photography 

"Earth Mama Medicine: How One Multi-Passionate Creatrix Built an Influencer Brand Inspiring Millions."  [DAY 5]

In an extremely short period of time, Veladya Chapman has risen to become one of the most sought after influencers in the wellness, lifestyle and health industry. Within her first year on social media, Veladya grew to over 100,000 highly-engaged followers and subscribers.
Veladya holds a Bachelor’s degree in Acting & Musical Theatre. She has gone on to perform on Broadway in the Award winning musical, The Book of Mormon and guest-starred in roles on series like CBS’ Instinct.  
Veladya is a a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and a prominent figure in the reproductive health community having influenced millions of people to elevate their lives. Veladya now helps heal people from all over the world through her books, educational Youtube videos, mentorship and public speaking.  
 A true creative, Veladya is known for merging her talents, knowledge, and intuitive wisdom to produce inspiring and life-changing content that has reached over 2 million people to date. 
We’re about to learn how Veladya went from living in a van with her partner and a hairless cat to an extraordinary influencer brand “Earth Mama Medicine,” how a 3-day women’s slumber party in Brooklyn shifted everything, how she almost lost her entire youtube channel, how she manifested her dream home; Veladya also teaches us how to begin collaborating with brands & sponsorships, even when you don’t have a large following. To top it off, we dive into sex and psychedelics.
let me warn you, it’s not for the faint of heart (especially if you’re plant-based), but both Veladya and I decided to use this moment to speak our truth about veganism and health, in the very personal journeys we’ve had. There are some very beautiful parallels between our conversation and Maya Tiwari’s talk. If this is triggering or upsetting or affirming for you - we lovingly hold you!

"Clearing Money Blocks for Creatives, Healers & Spiritual Entrepreneurs."  [DAY 5]

Polly Alexandre never intended to be a coach, but it was as if the Universe dragged her, kicking and screaming, into a journey through loss, abundance, extraordinary lessons and synchronicities that will make your head spin.
She blends unique transformational coaching and intuitive healing abilities with 15 years experience as an entrepreneur to bring you cutting edge programs like Money Beautifully and Abundance Accellerator, which Matrîarch Collective is a proud affiliate of.
Polly has overcome decades of self-limiting beliefs and negative patterns about money, and as far as ‘transformational coaches’ go, Polly really walks her talk.
We’re about to hear her shocking and inspiring personal story how the Universe stripped everything away so she could up level, how Polly connects to the Akashic field, why going to a shaman on your honeymoon may not be a great idea, how we can begin to heal our ancestral poverty stories, how her first $50 coaching client came back to invest $15K more, the wisdom of ‘delivering less,’ the work around ‘not enough,’ a simple way to release patterns that don’t serve us, and an uplifting story of how Polly manifested her dream home in Ibiza.
It’s time. It’s time to get over your fears so you can take action, be visible, attract more clients, make more money, and most importantly, bring in a new way of being for women!
If you’ve purchased the Premium Access Pass, do not miss Polly’s AMAZING BONUS: it’s a guided audio meditation “Past Life Patterns of Poverty.” I had such a powerful experience with it, you’ll hear all about it in this Talk. It’s really special because Polly channels this wisdom and it’s unlike anything I’ve done. If you enjoy it, I highly recommend checking out the Abundance Accelerator 14-day guided experience, we’ll make sure to link it up.   
@pollyalexandre  |

"How One Woman Built an Ashram in the Jungle (and a Global 7-Figure Movement to Go With It)."  [DAY 5]

Adi Shakti is the founder of Soul Work, an online academy for yoga and personal development trainings that is deeply committed to a trauma sensitive approach, social justice, and cultivating sacred space for healing, both online and for in-person trainings at her beautiful jungle ashram in Costa Rica. She has trained hundreds of students and leaders from all over the world. To me, she is such an inspiring example of empowered social leadership.
I met Adi Shakti at an ashram in India, in a ceremony where she received her spiritual name from our teacher Vishaketu.
Since then we’ve followed each other online and it’s amazing to witness what she’s created.
We’re about to learn how Adi went from being a broke yoga teacher earning $5 an hour to traveling the world with a humanitarian mission to plant ceremonies in the Amazon to building a yoga school in the middle of the jungle.
We discuss how women-centered teachings are largely missing from traditional yoga teacher trainings, how to keep your heart open despite negative feedback, how Tony Robbins’ ‘I am Not Your Guru” film inspired the most brilliant piece of content she’d ever produced … and more. 
@adi_shakti_rising  |

April 1 so you can catch up on anything you missed. April 5 is the last day to purchase PREMIUM PASS at a discounted price.









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